how to overcome being camera shy
Talking Media

How to Over Come the fear of the camera and Being Camera Shy.

-How to Over Come Being Camera Shy.

One thing I want you to understand is that everyone starts somewhere- and you are going to have crappy videos and performances when you first start out being on camera and making videos. But eventually if you stick at it, things improve.  BUT things only improve if you keep taking consistent action.

In other to encourage you to take these very important initial steps, I’m sharing with you techniques that I personally use to get ready and set to deliver to camera. In the hopes that they might help you too.

If you are serious about getting yourself out there getting comfortable with video is hugely important.

  1. Find a relaxation technique before you start.

I have now become used to the feeling of nerves and sharp adrenaline spikes that comes with hosting LIVE TV and speaking/filming in front of the camera. But before I had to come up with techniques that would calm my nerves and get my headspace ready for being on camera. So, before I would have to go on LIVE I would put on music.

Music works well for me becaus it helps with instantly changing my state and I would visualise becoming a kick ass woman that I admired–basically stepping into my on-camera persona.

I ask myself –How would she (the better upleveled version of me) be when speaking camera and I do that for about 10 minutes and I find that I am pumped up and ready to go. But you have got to know which sort of things work for you. Are you a meditate and yoga stretch pre performance kind of person? Are you some one that will need to go over you script till the last minute. Look at your life outside of being on Video and discover what relaxes you and calms you the most and bring that into your practice before you film.

2. Watch yourself on Camera and hear yourself over and over and over.

Most of the time people don’t like to see themselves on Camera because they don’t like what they see and they don’t like what they hear. But, honestly  that is only because they are not used to it! You hear your voice and the way it sounds in your head as you speak but not as it’s broad cast back to you and you see yourself usually as a reflection and not as a true indication. So when you watch yourself back on film … initially it’s so jarring because you are not used to that aspect of yourself.

So to over come that you need to – film yourself and watch and listen back and do that over and over. Here is my challenge for you. Film yourself (for 5 minutes talking about anything) and watch it back do it for 30 days straight.  I promise that at the end of the 30 days your being on camera “discomfort” would have significantly reduced.

3. Work on your confidence in general.

Being a confident person in general will make you become less camera shy. But the trick is that confidence like with everything else you want to be good at, needs to be worked on.

It’s like a muscle and the more that you keep stepping out of your comfort zone and doing that thing that you find challenging, the more that confidence muscle will grow. Take comfort knowing that every body has to start some where and we all have some mega shocking footage floating around somewhere in the etha but you have just got to do it.

Also, if you want to engage and conect better with your audience, this could really help.

And you can follow here for Instant fun, insights and tips.

Till next time we talk shop,


How to Over Come Being Camera Shy.

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